Musk: should make families, enterprises and industries turn to heat pumps

Tesla released a report article entitled “Our energy economy is dirty and wasteful”, saying that 80% of the world’s energy still comes from fossil fuels, and only one third of the energy effectively plays its role and provides heat energy.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk pointed out in the event that there is a way to sustainable development, and the earth can feed 8 billion people today.

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He said: “At present, the earth is a dirty and rusty planet, but it will become a planet driven by renewable energy in the future. You can see this change in your lifetime.”

Musk introduced the “grand plan 3″ committed to a sustainable energy economy, and said that achieving a sustainable energy economy needs to achieve the following goals: 240 terawatt (TWh) of energy storage, 30 TW of renewable power, 10 trillion US dollars of manufacturing investment, less than half of the fuel economy, less than 0.2% of the floor area, 10% of the global GDP in 2022, and zero insurmountable resource challenges.

Musk divided the implementation path of this “secret grand plan” into five steps.

The third part is to turn families, enterprises and industries to heat pumps. The heat pump can transfer the energy from the outside of the house to the inside of the house, which will reduce the energy consumption of building heating by 33 times. From the perspective of the industry, heat pump paves the way for improving efficiency.

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heat pump

According to Musk’s plan, the world is expected to realize this ambitious sustainable energy plan in 2050.

Musk also said in the event that Tesla will issue a white paper to outline a clear path for the earth to use sustainable energy.


Post time: Mar-04-2023